Thursday, May 15, 2008

Busy, Busy!

I have been focusing on getting done with the school year so am not posting too much (should be done the end of May). And then after that is summer, Yay!! I plan on getting all my stuff on E-Bay that I have sitting in the living room. Yes, I have to clean around it and it needs to get out of there. So hopefully I will have a little more time so that my blog will not get neglected. Anyway, I appreciate people who come and check for anything new and just wanted to let you all know what's up with me. Have a great day!!


Simply Shelley said...

Hi Cheryl, sounds like you have been busy.It will be good to hear from you more,but I understand how life can be....very full at times....can't wait to see all your ebay goodies.....


PaperSunshine said...

OK here we go! I have been as you know so busy myself I haven't been checking your blog! Shame on me ;) I do so appreciate you checking mine and keeping in touch. You never know in this crazy world when your Christian friends might be the only ones who are really there for you.