Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring Equinox

March 21st is the first day of Spring!! Now if the weather would reflect that. I know the warmer weather will get here soon enough. Patience is a virtue. It is suppose to gradually warm up this week so that's good. Here's a link for you.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Memory Treasure Chest

I just thought I would post these Memory Treasure Chests I made for my Mother-in-law (Pat) and sister-in-law (Becky). This is my version of the journal jar. I cut (with my handy dandy paper trimmer) questions that I put on a full sheet label page that all they have to do is peel and stick to the top page of the journal book and then answer the question. This is a great way to journal a little every day about your past and present. Anyway, I would sure love to hear any thing people have to say, even if you may have a suggestion that may help if I happen to make these again. Oh, and yes I decorated these myself.
The instructions say... Draw one slip of paper. Take a few minutes to enjoy the memories. Peel off and stick to the top of a blank page of your journal. Fill in your answer. Enjoy the memories that celebrate something very important - YOU!!

Pat's outside...

Pat's inside...

Becky's outside...

Becky's inside...